One of the most interesting characters in the Bible was King David. He was raised as a shepherd, became a part of the king's family, and then became king himself.
Even though David was called a man after God's own heart, he had problems like anyone. Some of those problems stemmed from his multiple wives and their children. His first wife was taken from him by his father-in-law (the king), another wife became his through sin. His children committed violence against him and each other. Even at his death, his children were still causing him trouble, fighting for precendece over each other, and more signficantly, fighting for the crown.
I recently read a book based on the life of Michal, David's first wife. It opens up the lives of Michal, King Saul, Michal's brother Jonathan, and David. While I wouldn't say that everything happened just as explained in the book, it is a good imagining of what it might have been like, based on the information we're given in the Bible.
At the moment I write, this book is available as a free Kindle download on Amazon. I hope you'll read it. Let me know what you think of it, and if you like it, consider reading the author's other books about the wives of King David.
I recently got this book! Can't wait to read it! :)