Faith-Based Drug Treatments

photo credit: Kevin Shorter via photopin cc
Drug and alcohol addiction are some of the most devastating types of issues that people can face. Fighting these diseases oftentimes takes more strength than we can muster on our own. This is why so many different treatment philosophies have been developed over the years.

For Christians and people of faith, having a treatment plan that not only respects Christianity, but also seeks to make it an integral part of the healing process, can make all the difference.

12-Step Programs

Most of the well-known 12-step programs already have some type of spiritual basis that accounts for a large part of their success. Alcoholics Anonymous and Gamblers Anonymous both encourage participants to give themselves and their lives over to a 'higher power,' although neither actually specifies this power as Christ.

This acceptance of a higher power is a recognition that we cannot ordinarily overcome addiction by ourselves. Most 12-step programs seem to have already recognized the fact that in order to really heal someone, they must heal the whole person, body and soul.

Holistic Drug Rehab

In order to be effectively treated and give yourself the best chance of sustaining recovery, it is important to receive individualized treatment. This is the case for holistic drug rehab where each treatment plan is specifically tailored to what the individual really needs.

Such treatment is very capable of reducing stress, boosting self-esteem and helping former addicts develop the tools needed to cope with life instead of turning to drugs. It is also important to realize that the spiritual component of holistic drug treatment plans helps people to examine and understand their reasons for turning to drugs in the first place.

The Root Cause of Addiction

At the center of all addiction causes is the feeling of something missing. This emptiness is seen by the addict as being too painful to deal with. So, they turn to drugs in an effort to either forget or take that emptiness away.

The real problem is that it only works for a while; eventually those feelings return. This, ultimately, is the root cause of addiction. It seems that every drug rehab program should be trying to focus on this root cause, which is ultimately a spiritual issue.

How Christian-Based Programs Are Different

The key to any holistic drug rehab treatment plan is to focus on all the aspects of a person. This means not only his health and physical issues, but also his soul. Finding the emptiness inside someone that originally led him to the drugs is going much deeper than many typical treatments offer. The rewards are incredible, however, with the potential to truly transform someone's life.

With a Christian-based holistic drug rehab program, patients receive teachings based on the gospel in an effort to give them something real to fill their perceived emptiness. Christ has promised us a bright new life full of potential and possibilities. Integrating the scriptures into this program is not only a way to help fight the disease of drug addiction, it is also a great way to foster positive change in people lives.

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