O Christmas Tree

Image courtesy of Sura Nualpradid / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I've been seeing lots of pictures of Christmas trees on Facebook and other places, and it's been making me think about all my Christmas ornaments that are packed away in the laundry room of my apartment.  Since we don't have kids and our apartment doesn't really have room for a Christmas tree, we haven't put ours up this year.

So in honor of the Christmas tree, I'd love to hear about your favorite Christmas ornaments and any stories that go with them.

Some of my favorite Christmas ornaments come from Silver Dollar City.  My family had season passes for several years, and if you attended enough of the various festivals throughout the year, when you came to the park during the Christmas season, you would receive a beautiful metal Christmas ornament with a red ribbon tied to it for hanging.

My favorite of those ornaments is the one of the Wilderness Church.  The park's website says that the church was originally built in 1849 and was dismantled log by log and rebuilt in its current location at the park in 1960.  The trips we took to Branson usually were Friday through Sunday, so I would miss being at church  with my church family.  Stopping by the church at some point, whether I made it on Sunday or earlier in the weekend, always gave me a little peace.

Tell me about your favorite Christmas ornaments!

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4 Responses to O Christmas Tree

  1. That's a lovely little cabin church Kirra, I bet the ornament is lovely too. I'm Czech so I love the Czech hand-blown glass ornaments. I hunt down old and vintage ornaments especially ones which have been so loved that almost all the paint has been rubbed off. I think my most favorite and precious ornaments are the three which represent my children and one of Mrs Claus serving Santa a Christmas cake which my grandmother had on her tree for...for ever. :)

    1. The best ornaments are the ones that are passed down and have memories attached to them! And I LOVE blown glass. I don't have any currently for lack of space, but there is a blown glass store and demonstration at Silver Dollar City. It's fascinating to watch!

  2. This is the first year that my husband and I have gotten a tree (usually we travel to visit family at Christmas and don't get a tree at our own place). It's been awesome to get out the ornaments we've been saving for years. I don't have one particular favorite, but I do love our tradition of buying one from places we've visited. We have one from Puerto Rico for our honeymoon, and one from Cannon Beach, Oregon where we got engaged. Of course, we brought one back from Kenya this year!


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