The basic premise of this book is that the church has taken on an idea of leadership, as well as how the church should be run, from the business world. Leonard Sweet explains in his book that the way leadership should be done is by being a follower. The term he uses is “first follower.” He discusses this idea by dividing the book into three main sections: via (the way), verita (the truth), and vita (the life).
I was really intrigued by the initial idea that it’s not about being a leader. I realized as I was reading that he’s not really going against the idea of leadership, but he is going against the idea of what leadership has become. We are really followers of Christ who are asking others to follow Christ along with us. On page 39, Sweet says, “To emphasize followership is not to eliminate the notion that we need leaders. It is to flush the definitions, concepts, and practices of flesh-based leadership down the sewer they came from.”
At one point, he references the story of King David, before he was king, when he went to fight Goliath. Saul gave David his armor, but David refused it. Rather, he chose to face the giant with the tools that God had given him. He took off the “modern” weaponry and faced Goliath, trusting that God would take care of him. I think this is probably the best biblical picture of what Sweet is trying to explain here. We need to be wary of using the tools of the business world when it comes to the church. By all means, consider what their methods have to offer, but each should be compared next to the words of scripture and the ways of Christ to determine whether it is something we should implement. The church should not look like a business.
I definitely recommend this book to anyone who considers themselves a leader in the church. You may agree, or you may disagree, but at the very least, it will get you thinking about the way you are leading God’s people.
If you want to check this out click here to go to Amazon: I Am a Follower: The Way, Truth, and Life of Following Jesus
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